

January 13, 2016

Last week, NYX announced on Snapchat their new line of lippies named Lip Lingeries. I was very excited by watching the swatches they were doing, I just had to order some for myself! As soon as I saw them, I immediately thought of Kylie Jennar's Lip Kit and I was hoping they would be amazing dupes for the brand. I was totally right.

First off, the packaging is BEAUTIFUL!!! Very nice and sleek, and the fonts are very pleasing to the eye. They were much bigger that I first expected, but I am definitely not complaining. There is a huge amount of product packed into this case, and I'm guaranteed a long use for these.

Next is application. The applications for these are a bit tough to explain. They are much different from regular liquid lipsticks and/or glosses. A ton of product comes out on the sponge when you remove it from the bottle. It's definitely a weird applicator and I'd much rather apply the actual product with a lip brush so I don't waste as much product.

Now onto the actual colors. I ordered the three shades Bedtime Flirt, Push Up, and Ruffle Trim. I love the names for these, as well as the colors. They are all a part of the same color scheme, yet they are still different from one another. Push Up is definitely lighter than Bedtime Flirt and Ruffle Trim. Bedtime Flirt and Ruffle Trim are extremely similar and I was a bit disappointed. They are different, but I'm sure no one would really be able to tell a difference. Also, these colors are hard to eye-ball if you're in a hurry. In room lighting, they all look the exact same if you glance. Although in natural lighting(as seen in the first photo), there are easily seen differences.

These Lip Lingeries are liquid lipsticks, so they will dry matte. Immediately after applying, they feel super creamy on the lips. After about a minute or so, they start to dry. Like. Really dry. But, there will be some patches of stickiness if you reapply too quickly. Luckily, this can all be easily fixed by applying chapstick or lipgloss. The lipstick won't even budge!

If you hate wonky smells of lip products, then I have some bad news for you. Yes, these liquid lippies do have a smell. It's not a terrible smell, though. It's scent is familiar to nail polish mixed with paint. Weird combination, but that's its aroma!

Waterproof? Yes! Smudgeproof? No... But it does take quite a bit of rubbing to actually move any of the product, so I'm going to say it's 90% smudgeproof.

Overall, I give these lipsticks a 4.5/5. NYX is one of my favorite brands and I promise this post wasn't even biased. I tried to be super nit-picky with this product, and I' surprised at how little I found wrong with this! I absolutely love these and I can't wait to wear it out.

Remember to follow me on social media for more beauty related posts!

xoxo Katherine Grace

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